Media Literacy Days is an annual campaign organized by the Media Literacy Coalition during the first half of the year. Its current edition is the sixth in a row. It will run for seven months (March 15 – October 15) and includes trainings for adults, teachers and students, educational resources, webinars with foreign media literacy experts, researchers and journalists, a national media campaign, promotion of methodologies and training programs of the Media Literacy Coalition and its member projects. The initiatives of the The Big Data for Smart Society Institute (GATE) will also be in focus, and in particular those in the field of disinformation research, including webinars, seminars and trainings. GATE also coordinates the project to create the Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory for Digital Media (BROD) and contributes to the work of the European Observatory for Digital Media, in which media and information literacy occupies a central place.
- 22 March Media literacy at national and regional level supported by EDMO centres – webinar on digital and media literacy in Europe
- 5 April Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Varna
- 6 April “Развиване на дигитално-медийни компетенции на учениците” – Safer Internet Center Bulgaria conference and teacher training
- 7 April “Развиване на дигитално-медийни компетенции на учениците” – Safer Internet Center Bulgaria conference and teacher training
- 10 April Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Pleven
- 11 April Basics of podcasting – seminar and workshop
- 18 April The right to information and freedom of speech: disinformation in the age of digital media – training for students, organized by the Euro Advance” Association and the Department of Political Sciences of the New Bulgarian University
- 19 April Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Samokov
- 25 April Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Sevlievo
- 22 April, 26 April, 29 April Media and information literacy with Wikipedia in the classroom – oбучение за учители
- 23 April How do you write for a magazine? Meeting with Panayot Stefanov – one of the creators and editors of “Nula32”
- 3 May Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Sliven
- 9 May Media literacy during war. Lessons from Ukraine – webinar with Valeria Kovtun from Фільтр
- 10 May Media literacy online – lifelong learning – training in Kardzali
- 16 May The point of view in documentary cinema – a discussion in the “Slaveykov” cinema hall, French Institute in Bulgaria, organized by “Arte Urbana Collective”
- 6 June Basic fact-checking – Factcheck.bg training for members of the “Together for the EU” community, organized jointly with the Bureau of the European Parliament in Sofia
- 7 June Copyright Basics: Training for Educators with Dr. Ana Lazarova [Digital Republic]
- 8 June Copyright Basics: Teaching Students with Dr. Ana Lazarova [Digital Republic]
- 29 September Developing Critical and Logical Thinking with Dr. Jock Cook’s Skeptical Science Program and Cranky Uncle Game (Webinar)
- 6 October Game-Based Learning and Educational Escape Games – Webinar with Randall Fujimoto
- 12 October Teaching Media Literacy in China – webinar with Jocelyn Ford and Irene Hu
- 27 October Media literacy training for adults in Veliko Tarnovo with journalist Pavla Stefanova, organized jointly with the Bureau of the European Parliament in Sofia
- 10 November Media Literacy Coalition Annual Conference
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It will be filled on the fly with more dates, and each event will be presented in more detail (in focus) on the campaign site and on the official site of the Media Literacy Coalition: Gramoten.li.
If you are working on a project on media and information literacy and/or digital citizenship and digital skills, or are planning an event in this area, or want to be our partner by providing informational support, please, contact us at info@gramoten.li.
2023 Media Literacy Days is made possible thanks to:
- the support and financing under the “Small Grants” program of the US Embassy in Bulgaria
- the institutional support of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture
- the support of the Bulgarian representation of the European Parliament and the European Commission in Bulgaria
- “Lachezar Tsotsorkov” Foundation, with which the Coalition for Media Literacy partners on the training program for adults “Media Literacy Online – Lifelong Learning”
The digital media outlet Offnews is official media partner of the campaign.
2023 Media Literacy Days are also supported by Capital.bg, Toest.bg and Third Age